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Save water AND money with Flow-Sensing Technology

Saving water is a big deal, water wastage on your property is bad for the environment, bad for your plants and bad for your bank balance.

Properties with flow sensors experience an average of 35% water savings, which easily translates into financial savings, through reduced water rates, reduced electrical costs on pumped systems, and reduced wear and tear.

When Water Tank Solutions designs and installs an irrigation system, we take all care to ensure that we make the right choices to reduce water waste. We look at every aspect of the area to be irrigated, from the soils onsite, to the planting types, the adjacent non-permeable surfaces and more. Our designs are exacting, and we know that they produce excellent results with minimum waste. And then we leave the site.

Once your system is installed, there are all sorts of events which can cause significant system damage and mean water is being unnecessarily wasted:

  • Unintentional damage from everyday activities like gardening and pets.

  • Vehicles, tree roots or utility incursions.

We offer a simple solution to allow home owners to identify when and where water is being wasted within their irrigation system. Rain Bird Flow Sensors work with a range of Rain Bird Controllers to provide monitoring, fault diagnostics and reporting which can be accessed via text or email. Alarms can provide instant notification of serious issues, providing near-instant responsiveness.

Flow sensing technology can save you time seeking out potential issues and money on water waste. Sensors can even be fitted retrospectively, so if you have an exisiting system, this can be upgraded to accomodate this technology.

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